[question] Jump, but only a limited height

Have a question, suggestion, or comment about Aleph One's features and functionality (Lua, MML, the engine itself, etc)? Post such topics here.
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patrick wrote:
quality is job one.png
Please never die without taking all of us with you. -_-
Mjolnir Mark IV
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khaggavisana wrote:Winter Solstice of 20—... Thank God that Treellama, W'rkncacnter, and patrick { /!\ et al. /!\ } won't be there...
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HelviusRufus wrote:PS. I find it interesting that the Pfhorums spell checker flags Pfhorums.
Websites don't have their own spellcheckers, your browser has a spellchecker, and it's probably just using your OS's spellchecker.
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You yew ewe eww right wright write rite.
I just play 'em; I don't know how they work.
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