Imperium VII

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Some of these maps have extremely rude messages. Sad!
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Wrkncacnter wrote:Sad!
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Mjolnir Mark IV
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Windbreaker wrote:What's sad is no one knows which image you were trying to post :C
Here's the URL: ... ad.001.gif

Let me try putting it in image form:

Strangely, it works just fine for me, so I don't know why it didn't work for RyokoTK.

EDIT: As soon as I posted this, RyokoTK's version of the image started working - as the man himself would probably say, VERY STRANGE!
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I get an access denied message for both of your posts. Do you have to log into somethingawful for it to show up or something?

We need to get to the bottom of this, as it's far more important than Wind's useless maps.

Edit: Apparently, you need to visit in your browser before the images load. Maybe you need a cookie or something? Terrible!
Last edited by Wrkncacnter on Jan 31st '17, 19:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Mjolnir Mark IV
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Wrkncacnter wrote:We need to get to the bottom of this, as it's far more important than Wind's useless maps.
Still not as important as getting WMaiD done, ofc...
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Wrkncacnter wrote:Edit: Apparently, you need to visit in your browser before the images load. Maybe you need a cookie or something? Terrible!
Wow that is actually really dumb.
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I like End Times. It reminds me of the 1965 movie Crack in the World.
I can be the deranged scientist and the Pfhor can be the minions of
those backward thinking anti-progress dunderheads who believe
that some things are best left alone.
I just play 'em; I don't know how they work.
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---Official Tinymaps Update v1.2---

I had a few more ideas than I expected recently, and ended up making a few tinymaps for Imperium. Tinymaps have always been challenging for me to make, since the architecture matters that much more when there's less of it. Overall, I think this experiment was a success, if not just because I got the morningmap out of it. The third edition of Imperium features 3 new maps, bringing the total up to 13. Here's the new stuff:

Dead by Daybreak
A map that slowly gets brighter as time goes on. This one took a bit of work, especially with the sunrise gradient, and all the different lights (70 total, Jesus fuck). Special thanks to Wrk for his help on the lua side of things. Overall, I'm really happy with how this one turned out. Great for 2-3 people over a 4-5 minute span.

[XS] Flashpoint
The tiniest of the tinymaps in the tinymaps update. AR dominates on this level, and if you can dip into the lower passageways, you can subvert other players on the map. Good for 2-4 players.

[XS] Mandala
A pretty straightforward, tiny arenamap. 2-4 players tops. 'Nuff said.

thedoctor45 wrote:Still not as important as getting WMaiD done, ofc...

I'd be interested in returning to that project if other people are still working on it; I'm pretty much all out of ideas for netmaps right now. In terms of converting some of my multiplayer maps to WMaiD netmaps as per your review (thanks btw), that could be interesting. I'd probably only do a couple, but I could see it turning out pretty well!
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Neato, I'll definitely check out the new updated pack.
Windbreaker wrote:I'd be interested in returning to that project if other people are still working on it; I'm pretty much all out of ideas for netmaps right now. In terms of converting some of my multiplayer maps to WMaiD netmaps as per your review (thanks btw), that could be interesting. I'd probably only do a couple, but I could see it turning out pretty well!
Thanks for getting back to me on this topic. I will most likely not be able to work on WMaiD until after Halathon has been released but once that's done I'll try to scavenge all the WIP maps from every person who's been contributing to this project over the last few years and get them to a playable state. If by that time you are still interested in working with me on the project, we can try to actually get this thing ready for release - otherwise I don't think I will be able to finish it off all by myself - there's simply too much work for one guy to handle. In that case I think I will just dump the WIP files here on the pfhorums or on simplicity for people to toy around with.

If you would like to contribute now I suggest that you actually get started on the netmap conversion. I think you should still have all the neccessary texture files that you need, if not just drop me a PM. Or if you're looking for a bigger challenge you could also help me with creating some more netmaps for Halathon, I have a few ideas that you might be interested in - including some nice weather effects ;)
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thedoctor45 wrote:If by that time you are still interested in working with me on the project, we can try to actually get this thing ready for release
For sure, let me know when that time pops up. I've been really interested in these lua effects on my multiplayer maps, so incorporating them into some solo maps could be a fun venture as well, providing I have the patience D: But it would be a good way for those effects to actually be noticed :P

I'll see what I can do with a few netmaps; I'll have to see how the new weapon set works in different environments, which should be fun. Thanks for the reply!
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Get Imperium IV here.

hey doogs,

I started working on an update to Imperium back in December, with the goal of releasing a handful of maps in January or February. I made two maps and had planned on making a few more, but Real Life happened and I've been busy ever since. I don't know if I'll have the time or inclination to update Imperium again, so I figured I'd release the two complete maps at this point - I'm happy with where they are after some testing. As with the last update, these two maps are on the smaller side and geared towards rounds with fewer players. Here's some fancy musings about the two new additions:

[M] Iconic Something
A S'pht structure nestled inside the crevasse of a mountain. Rain pours and lightning flashes in from the opening above. This one is fairly vertical in nature. Staying high (like Spooky, ba dum tss) offers the greatest advantage here. Be wary of rocket sniping as well. Best with three to four people.

[XXS] Lorem Opus
A bigly tiny map featuring lots of twists and turns. I'll shamelessly admit TK's Hocus Pocus served as inspiration for this map. There's no time to stop and camp here - always remain on the move. Best with two people.

You can grab the new edition on Simplici7y here. As usual, thanks to those who helped me test these maps out - but also, it's time for us all to get the hell out of here already.
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It has been a while since I've taken a stab at multiplayer maps, but all it took was a global pandemic to get me back at it. I've made five new maps over the course of the last few weeks, and released an update to Imperium today. You can grab the fifth edition here.

Several of these maps feature stupad Lua. Thanks to W'rkncacnter for creating a dynamic weather script for Phantom Power. This script includes lightning, hail, and rain, which gain intensity over the course of several minutes.

Here's some stuff:

1. Phantom Power

As stated above, this map uses Lua to simulate a quickly approaching thunderstorm. The game starts with just lightning, but hail begins to fall quickly afterward, gaining in intensity until 3 minutes or so. Then rain starts to fall, all while the sky darkens. Make sure you pay attention to the weather during net games, and not other players, OK?


A weird COLORSmap hybrid thing. This one's inspired by the fact that TRON is essentially a COLORS movie. This map is deceptively small and fast, even with a lower number of players.

3. Inaugural Trams

A tallsnowmap. Great with larger groups. Nuff said.

4. Flank Speed

A ship at high warp hurtling through space. Very vertical level. Good for mid-sized groups.

5. Channel Z

A pretty simple, old-school map. This one's good for smaller groups, and features mainly SMGs, shotguns, and ARs.

Download Imperium V!
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Too lazy to write a proper review right now, but these rule. If you haven't grabbed them yet, make sure you do, even if it's just to wander around them as solo levels (you can always use Survival or Single Player Network Game or something to make it interesting).
“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” —V, V for Vendetta (Alan Moore)

“The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain. If you can’t lick ’em, join ’em. If it hurts, repeat it. But to praise despair is to condemn delight, to embrace violence is to lose hold of everything else. We have almost lost hold; we can no longer describe happy man, nor make any celebration of joy.” —Ursula K. Le Guin, “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas”

“If others had not been foolish, we should be so.” —William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

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I made another small batch of Imperium maps. These two new maps are somewhat unique in that they do not have rockets.

Get Imperium VI here.

Turnabout Intruders

M2 Pfhor is probably the most vibrant texture set in the trilogy, in my opinion. I've only done one other map using this set, so it was fun to return to it and see how things went. I think this map turned out pretty well, all things considered.


The Tremolo Call

A level based around a circular tower with two floors. I tried this one with rockets at first, but the results were less than ideal, so I ended up removing them from this level as well.
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The latest version of Imperium features 3 new maps and brings the pack up to 25 maps total, making it my largest pack. You can grab it on Simplici7y here:

As with most of my recent multiplayer maps, these revolve around weird concepts: a map with frequent lightning strikes (Night Terror), a Pfhor ship docked to an ancient Jjaro outpost (Space Invasion), and a lighthouse in a storm (Beacon Light).

Night Terror
0 Screen Shot 2023-10-07 at 2.42.26 PM.png
Space Invasion
3 Screen Shot 2023-10-07 at 3.04.11 PM.png
Beacon Light
5 Screen Shot 2023-10-07 at 2.38.50 PM.png
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