This past year I have managed to tame life enough and figure out a slow enough working pace that I've managed to complete a large writing project, sketching out my enormous Chronicles of Quelouva. Given that General Tacticus late last year stepped up to finally complete the biggest missing piece of calling Eternal "done", creating HD weapons, I've decided to take that momentum from last year's Chronicles work, and dedicate this year to finally crossing Eternal off of my to-do list forever.
There are three sub-items on that to-do list.
- Finish the HD texture upgrade.
- Replace the Headless and Nightmares with some low-effort (read: invisible) alternatives in theme with the Banshees.*
- Implement all the little i-dots and t-crosses (e.g. "this elevator is slow and annoying") from Ryoko's and Crater Creator's extensive reviews.
But I would be delighted if anyone else who is already familiar with the current toolchain (which I've basically not used at all, not having done any Marathon work since losing Classic support on my computer) could please help me with the last two items.
If it's helpful at all for anyone who wants to help with the third item, the little map adjustments, I have a GitHub repo of the Eternal maps merge folder. But you don't have to use that if you don't want to, you can email me files or post them here or whatever suits you best.
Any volunteers?
*My current thoughts on replacement monsters:
- Headless replaced with something big (F'lick'ta?), fast, easy to kill, but with a damaging melee attack, that makes a slowed-down version of the Banshee death scream as it moves. So you hear it closing in on you fast, and if you turn around and shoot it quickly enough you're fine, but if it reaches you it hurts.
- Nightmares replaced with Wasps that don't chirp, maybe with a slower rate of fire, so you just hear their flapping around and above you and occasionally get hit with a shot.